
★ You check our room availability by phone or by sending us an e-mail. However, all reservations must be made in advance online using our website or partner websites listed below.
★ Reservations can be made at any time.
★ All Children under 16 years old are NOT allowed to stay at the hostel.


To make your reservation online, pick any of our partner website links below! Our website offers the best rates and a seamless reservation process. 
Reserve your spot online, and we’ll send you a confirmation email within 24 hours. It’s that easy!


We’ll confirm your booking within 24 hours.
Please let us know if you don’t receive our email, and we’ll get back to you right away. 
We’re happy to answer any questions you have.
We are looking forward to seeing you at Mt. Fuji Hostel Michael`s.


From domestic : (0555) 72-9139
From overseas: +81 (555) 72-9139

(Reception hours: 10:00 am – 8:00 pm)

Cancellation policy

– We request a minimum of 3 full days’ notice before your scheduled arrival date (in Japan Local Time) for any cancellations. Failure to provide this notice will result in your credit card being charged the following cancellation fee:

   * 100% of the balance due for your first night if you fail to notify us of your cancellation at least 3 full days before your scheduled arrival date (in Japan Local Time), or if you do not show up on your scheduled arrival date. Please note that the day of your arrival is not included in the 3-day notice period.

– If you made your reservation one day before your arrival date, the requirement of giving 3 full days’ notice for cancellation does not apply. In this case, if you cancel your reservation after midnight, a cancellation fee will be applied.

©  Mt Fuji Hostel Michael's All Rights Reserved.